Sunday 18 December 2011

Defraying some costs - at last.

I have been a bit extravagant in my approach to this project. I've made a few expensive false starts and have purchased stuff rashly. (Having said that, I got a heck of a lot of pleasure - excitement, even - making those purchases online and then waiting for the postman to deliver the resultant packages.)

The biggest mistake was the initial decision to go  for the very small N gauge. It was only once I'd purchased quite a lot of French rolling stock that I realised N gauge was simply too small for me to handle. The advantage of N gauge (as I'm sure I stated in an earlier episode of the blog) is that you can run trains with 7 or 8 or more carriages which is what happens in real life. In a domestic setting one usually does not have the room to run such long trains with HO scale.

Anyway, I switched to HO scale some months ago and so have had all this N gauge stuff hanging around the house.

But, thanks to an advert in the magazine for the SNCF Society, I have now sold the N gauge items. I'll have to pack it and post it all off tomorrow. Conscience salved to some extent.

Today I have been mostly listening to an Austrian outfit, EPY.

When looking them up for details on the internet I find that one website describes their music as follows: Genre - electronic; Style - downtempo, abstract and breakbeat. I must remember that.

But, as I write today's episode of the blog it is the Danish National Radio Choir singing Brahms that is salving my soul.

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