Thursday 7 August 2014

Lego progress

When I was at primary school we had a deeply unpleasant visiting art teacher who once took a boy into a cupboard for a thrashing (I think). The boy had dropped a splash of paint or done something similarly trivial. I thought I was going to be next, for the conversation went something like this:

Boy: (Splashes paint)

Teacher: Idiot number one!

Me: "He he he."

Teacher: Right, idiot number two.

Teacher: You come with me.

And the two of them disappeared off to this walk-in cupboard.

They returned several minutes later and the lesson continued.

But, I learned something during that lesson and that is when you pass houses in the street in daytime and look up at their windows, they are basically black. Up until that point I'd sketched houses with windows as in one of Avril Paton's famous tenements - with a full account of what was going on inside the rooms behind the windows.

Comme ci.
Hence my use of black Lego bricks for the windows of the apartment building I'm constructing.

Obviously, a successful pedagogical method.

Currently listening to:

Fergus Clark's guest mix on the July edition of Optimo on Rinse FM.
Really growing on me.
Last night's dinner:

Spaghetti, pesto and avocado.
Currently reading:

Drumming practice update:

Going back even further to basics:

Looking for a steady even beat.

Tip, tap, tip, tap, right, left, right, left.


Had a very unsatisfactory lunch yesterday with a friend in the centre of Glasgow.

But I loved the tiles in the Gents.

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