Tuesday 28 February 2012

Ceramic Gare du Nord - progressing

Slowly, but surely, the ceramic facade is progressing.

Every Tuesday evening for the past 3 weeks I've been working on this facade - it gets wrapped up in between times in a black plastic bin bag which keeps the clay damp and malleable.

A reminder of what I'm aiming at.

And here is a little ceramic HO scale town building that I hope to include somewhere on the layout.

Silver Apples aka Simeon Coxe

Can't stop thinking about what a great evening that was last Sunday.

In a Woody Allen film, I think it was Manhattan, Woody's character is lying on a couch on a Sunday afternoon in a New York appartment musing into a dictaphone about what makes life worth living.

He comes up with things like Louise Armstrong's playing, Cezanne's painting and I can't remember the rest of the list.

And for me, seeing Simeon Coxe on Sunday justified being alive.

Obviously, the higher purpose is to give other people that reason to be alive.  Equally obviously, not everybody would have enjoyed Simeon Coxe.

I regret that I cannot develop this thesis any further.

But here is the extract from the Woody Allen film.


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