Thursday 19 July 2012

Busch 1/87 scale cars

Busch is a German toy maker which manufactures cars in HO scale ie 1/87.

Predominantly the models are of German cars but there are Renaults and in one case a Volvo.


Ford Eifel (sic)


Convertibles of the 50s.

La Redoute is, I think, a French mail order company.

I have to say that the most pleasurable part of this hobby is buying toys!

Today's Listening:

The commercial radio station in the office. There is basically a loop of records - a playlist, if you like - and so I am pretty familiar with contemporary pop music. Bored, but not horrified, by most of it. Find relief when the current Coldplay single is played: "Princess of China".

Last night's dinner:

It was an absolutely excellent home-made bolognaise which I forgot to photograph. Washed down with supermarket plonk.

I had been feeling pretty rotten all day with a very sore eye amongst other things. But, I have to admit, that often I find red wine an excellent analgesic/come mood lifter and awoke this morning fresh as a daisy and raring to go.

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