Friday 10 May 2013

Tidying up wires under model railway baseboard

I think I've found the solution to the problem described in yesterday's blog of tidying up the numerous wires under the baseboard.

The problem:

I rejected various solutions eg gaffer tape and screw-in hooks because the former is difficult to modify if you change your mind and screwing anything into plywood, especially when one is crouched underneath the baseboard is a nightmare.

But I found some websites which were recommending these self-adhesive and adjustable plastic clips from RS Components.

Looks promising under this chap's baseboard.
Currently listening to:

Last night's dinner:

2 gigantic Malaysian prawns

Plus 3 scallops, artichokes and red pepper
I think I slightly over-cooked the prawns.

Cost per head: £8.00

I'm glad to announce

that Jesus is back beside me today. It was almost as if my sense of bereftness over the past few days convinced God that I truly appreciated the value of His Son's presence in my everyday life, and so should be given back that grace.

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