Wednesday 31 July 2013

Backdrop - almost there, I think.

Mucked about a little bit more with the backdrop and then placed it in position on the wall with a couple of pieces of blu tac.

Overall, I'm pretty pleased with the effect.

Currently listening to:

The South Korean pianist Kun-woo Paik (born March 10, 1946) playing Faure.

The route that connects the cultures of the far-east with Western classical music fascinates me. It seems so unlikely - must read up on it.

"Founded in 1949, BEIJING HSINGHAI PIANO GROUP LIMITED is large-sized industrial enterprise in China.  It has 4000 employees and its annual output of pianos is 50,000, which is exported to more than 50 countries and regions in the world."

Last night's dinner:

Ate out at friends and forgot to take a photograph.

Finished reading:

I described to my Spanish host some of this book's depictions of Gypsy Flamenco life in Madrid - where he comes from. He concurred.

Nevertheless, the last 30 to 40 pages were disappointing - not in terms of what happened but in terms of the half-baked writing deployed to describe events; the author seemed to rush the final pages.


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