Tuesday 4 December 2012

Ceramics class tonight

Hopefully, tonight, the 4 walls of my HO scale ceramic model of a building on the Boulevard Haussmann will be assembled and given a glaze of pale rose.

In the mean time a few more mosaic tiles laid on the final platform.


Another angle

And another one.
Bruno Mars:

For the last few weeks, the office radio has been churning out 5 or 6 times a day what I thought was an updated version of an old Police record. In the end, I asked someone what it was and they said it was "Locked out of Heaven" by Bruno Mars. Interestingly, I downloaded it last night from iTunes and was slightly disappointed by it. But then, I heard it again today on the extremely modest office transistor radio and really liked it.

Turned out the song was written and produced by Mark Ronson who used to produce Amy Winehouse. I'm a great fan of his.

Mark Ronson
Last night's dinner:

Roast Duck leg and bubble 'n' squeak.

Took a photograph of it but accidentally deleted it 5 minutes later.

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