Friday 14 December 2012

Jouef Clockwork Trains

Nothing to report on the model railway itself.

But here are some images downloaded from the internet of clockwork trains from the French manufacturer, Jouef. I take it that they are no longer in production.

I like the top picture with the passengers painted on the windows - seems to be going from Algiers to Timbuktu which is a distance of 1,500 miles. Seems like a fantasy. Must research the reality.

Stereophonics via earplugs

Amazingly the e-ticket for Monday night's concert arrived through the ether and the ear plugs arrived through the letterbox.

Last night's dinner:

Only remembered to take a photograph when half way through the meal - duck leg with boiled rice washed down with a pint of milk.

 (although earlier today somebody actually asked me how it was getting on)

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