Monday 30 December 2013

Mod Podge staining

Darkening up the roof of the church to match better with the dome and the facade.

Mod Podge is a water-based enamel paint that adds a thick translucent coat to card.

I think the colour (a mix of plain and Thicket Podge) is right.

Seems to match with the facade of the church.

The dome in waiting.
Currently listening to:

Desert Island Discs on BBC Radio 4.

The guests: Ant and Dec.

Until now, I had never known which is which or who is who.

But apparently, in their official photos, Ant is always on the left - so now I know.

Thoroughly enjoyed the programme: very interesting and quite a decent selection of records.

Last night's dinner:

Chicken leg in tomato sauce plus boiled rice.
Currently Reading:

Spent a good hour reading about the weaknesses in the functionalist theory of mind. I have to say, it seemed to me that one was just re-visiting the debates around Descartes.


Saw a really excellent independent black and white film this afternoon at the GFT in Glasgow - now converted from two to three cinemas.

A brilliant depiction of a particular era (1980 USA) with convincing acting and dialogue.

I had thought that it might provide some insights into the computational model of the mind that I am puzzling over at the moment - but it didn't.

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