Saturday 21 December 2013

Super-glued the second street sign into position.

Although both signs are wired up, the wires going down their respective lengths of ducting and then through the baseboard, I didn't have time to put the power packs into position.

Currently listening to:

Got this Rough Trade compilation of urban gypsy music several years ago and am never disappointed when I listen to it - very atmospheric, drawing together all sorts of historical and urban influences as exemplified by some of the photographs in the accompanying booklet.

So where exactly is Romania and the Carpathian mountains?

Last night's dinner:

Macaroni cheese and black pudding
 Today's lunch:

Fried eggs and black pudding.
Currently (still) reading:

This is not the edition I have been reading, but I love its cover.


A few days ago my main bicycle returned from its long stint in the repair shop - a major problem with the gears. After almost a month of using the 1980s Peugeot as a stand -in, I have to say that the main bike is much harder work to use.

Main bicycle

1980s Peugeot.
 The shadows are equally effective though.

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