Friday 21 November 2014

Bought our Christmas Tree today.

Sorted the heights for the streetlights today by gluing the little circular plinth in a position so that the lights will be approx 4 cm tall.

The plinths in a variety of different positions - they slide up and down the poles.

Glued into position.

Temporarily lined up - still to be connected to the red and black wires..
Currently listening to:

Occasionally, in days of old, I used to record episodes of the John Peel BBC radio show onto audio cassettes. I still have a few of these.

I remember one such programme when he played, in fairly close proximity, the tracks "First Impressions" by The Impressions and something (can't remember the title) by King Curtis.

King Curtis
For decades, I've been meaning to search out the King Curtis track on iTunes. But without a title to go on - or even a hint of  what the title might have been - the search was put on the back burner.

Anyway, today after downloading "First Impressions" I decided to go through the list of 383 King Curtis songs that are available on iTunes, playing the first few seconds of each, until I found "the one".

Track 86 proved to be it; recognised it immediately. The title rang no bells whatsoever: "Pots and Pans".

Brilliant track  recorded live at Small's Paradise.

Last night's dinner:

Plaice and artichokes under grilled cheese.
Currently reading:

Still engrossing.
Drumming practice update:

A bit of a revelation yesterday when practising with the other Caixa playing member of my Samba band. It was actually his revelation.

To inject a Samba groove into the following simple pattern:

UPPER CASE = loud,  lower case = soft.

r l R L, r l R L, r l R L, r l R L, r l R L, ........

one should move forward the fourth and last stroke in the pattern so that it almost immediately follows the third stroke:

like so:

r l RL, r l RL, r l RL, r l RL, r l RL, ........

Miscellany 1:

Another revelation came this morning when I at last grasped how to use Truth-trees to identify invalid arguments in sentential logic.

That was followed by my getting 100% in the latest online examination.

Miscellany 2:

Bought a lamp today for the garden - when the summer evenings come back next year.

But before then, it will be this year's Christmas tree. It will sit on some sort of plinth and have little Nativity scenes and the like around its base.

We had first come across these one-piece plastic moulded outdoor lamps many years ago at a hotel in Girona and we've never forgotten them.

Different shape but same principle.
There were other models available in the shop, including illuminated chairs.

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