Thursday 26 April 2012

Earthly Powers

We're in Wales for the next few days, so I've drafted a few short blogs which can be posted automatically each day in my absence.

For a change, I thought each of these short postings could consist of a photograph of something French followed by a list of my favourite something or others.

Here is a very charming HO scale card model of a French metro carriage.


Favourite Novels:

For me this boils down to the most frequently re-read novels, since I read and re-read them in a 24-month cycle.

1. Earthly Powers, Anthony Burgess

2. Sword of Honour Trilogy, Evelyn Waugh

3. The First Circle, Alexander Solzhenitsyn

4. Cancer Ward, Alexander Solzhenitsyn

5. Decline and Fall, Evelyn Waugh

6. Seven Against Reeves, Richard Aldington.

7. Victory, Joseph Conrad.

8. The Age of Reason, vol 1 of Sartre’s trilogy, “Roads to Freedom”

9. Stamboul Train, Graham Greene

10. The Mandelbaum Gate, Muriel Spark

11. Le Grand Meaulnes, Alain-Fournier

12. Darkness at Noon, Arthur Koestler

13. The American, Henry James

14. The Swimming Pool Library, Alan Hollinghurst

15. The Feast of Lupercal, Brian Moore

16. The Statement, Brian Moore

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