Wednesday 2 April 2014

A Tricky Little Task

Time to level up the heights of the 8 lampposts for outside the street cafe.

It was a bit like spinning plates: no sooner had one moved on to fix the next post in position, than the previous pole would slide back down into its hole. In the end, after much to-ing and fro-ing made a reasonable fist of it.

Currently listening to:

Michele Mininni
Last night's dinner:

Chicken sandwiches
 Today's lunch:

Fried eggs, tomatoes and Black Pudding
Currently reading:

Switching between:


an article on "Substance" in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy:


I was recce-ing a traditional Chinese restaurant (very traditional, apparently) and cycled there via the Clyde.

And, for the first time in the 8 months that I have been cycling this route along its banks, actually saw a boat on the Clyde.

Is there any other city in the world that has plummeted from being one of the busiest waterways in the world to one almost bereft of any vessels?

Evidence of a hey-day
Over the last few years, British caravans have got their act together in terms of exterior colour schemes. Passed this one today.

Mind you, it will be hard to beat those classic metal bodied American efforts.

Found the restaurant, but forgot to take photograph.

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