Thursday 3 April 2014

Street Lights in Position and Working.

Finally, installed the street lights around the cafe.

Basically, I made a pre-fabricated unit so that all the wiring could be completed without crouching under the baseboard.

Poking 8 lampposts through 8 holes.

The unit was screwed into position

Very difficult to arrange the room's lighting so that the little 12 volt bulbs show up when lit AND that the building itself can be seen.

Here are a few attempts.

Footnote: anyone even half-competent at DIY could have manufactured this pre-fabricated lighting unit in a morning. It took me several weeks because my antipathy towards DIY is such that I can face doing no more than 15 minutes per day of this kind of work.

And, I must be honest and state that I now feel only relief rather than any sense of satisfaction.

Currently listening to:

Last night's dinner:

Supermarket chicken curry.
Almost Finished Reading:


Off to a traditional (very traditional) Chinese Restaurant tonight - by public transport.

My Chinese friend says that if you order whole chicken there, you get a "whole chicken, Tony, including head."

Hope it's licenced!!!!

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