Tuesday 2 October 2012

Cassius: 15 Again

Dog tired and have to face up to this Ceramics class tonight. I know that once I get there I'll be fine but at the moment can't be bothered.

Lots of people I know can feel the same way: not quite dreading having to go somewhere after work but preferring to slump down in front of the TV or in my case have a nice meal with a bottle of wine. When I used to play for a local tennis team  sometimes having to travel maybe 20 miles or so of a mid-week evening to play against another club side, I'd wish for the phone call to say that the match was off.

Then going and  thoroughly enjoying the whole evening.

I find this state of mind fascinating: that point in time when you want to turn-off or take the line of least resistance - then force yourself to wake up and take action because you have a dim sense of deja vu. "You'll enjoy it when you get there."

I suppose it's like getting up for work in the morning.

Returning to ceramics issues: Last week I prepared the 4 walls of the building. Over the past week they should have dried sufficiently so that they can be cut to the exact size and then have the positions of the various features etched out. This condition of the clay being dry enough not to flop about and collapse all over the place but still allow for shaping, etching and cutting is called "leather hard".

Where I left things last week.

What I'm aiming at.
Last night's dinner:

Artichokes and rice.

15 Again

As I say, dog tired. And yet again turned to the French electronic duo, Cassius, to get some adrenaline flowing.

Particularly like tracks 9 and 11: Jackrock and La Notte.

La Notte, I really like, it manages to combine a feeling of nostalgia or melancholia plus an electrifying up-beatedness.

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