Monday 29 April 2013

Reading instructions

Decided to be very methodical and sensible about installing and wiring the Viessmann lampposts for the platforms. In other words, carefully read the instructions first. Unfortunately, they are in German and do not explain why there are three wires leading to each light rather than the normal two: positive and negative.

The lights in position.

The business of the three wires has puzzled other modellers as evidenced by the forums on the internet. One chap suggested emailing the German company Viessmann for help as he had found them very helpful in the past; replying to him in English!!! So that's what I did.

In the mean time, here is how I envisage bringing the 12 volts of electricity to the lights.

Schubert's Winterreise at Glasgow City Halls:

Yesterday, I attended Glasgow City Halls to see Florian Boesch and Malcolm Martineau perform Schubert's song cycle Wintereisse. Three days earlier I had watched the same pair give a brilliant performance of another Schubert song cycle, The Miller's Song.

I did not enjoy Wintereisse anywhere near as much. Not sure why.

One bonus was that the seat I had, Z19, turned out to be a real discovery. For some reason, the floor at that point is elevated by about 20cm. Also, it is an aisle seat. And, despite the fact that Z is the back row, The City Halls are sufficiently small that one is still near enough the stage to clearly see the performers' facial and bodily expressions.

Glasgow City Halls

Last night's dinner:

Forgot to photograph the lamb casserole.

Approx cost per head: £4.75.

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