Friday 4 October 2013

"Cook" Morningside Road, Edinburgh.

Painted the cables and the supporting brass posts - both in leaf green - using acrylic paint.

Verdict: I like the uprights in green. The cross-cable looks lumpy.

I'll think again.

Currently listening to:

Last night's dinner:

There's a shop in Morningside Road, Edinburgh, which sells frozen gourmet meals. On a whim, went in for a look and, turning down the offer of a taste of the curry on offer, decided to buy the Coq au Vin.

You cook the meals from frozen in approx an hour (or Microwave for several minutes). I used the oven. Absolutely first rate. And at £7.50 for two people, (plus some boiled potatoes), excellent value.

Currently reading:

Chucked in the Ginger Baker autobiography - not my cup of tea. Took all my books back to the library (by bike) and borrowed the following:

Will start with:


My Bongo tutor emailed me these youTube links to play along to:

Here is a video which features the bossa nova rhythm that we have been playing.but its quite fast

Here is one thats a bit slower and has the bossa nova rhythm too, although it starts at a slightly different place in the bar

Here is a song that will fit with the disco rhythm that I have shown you. It has its own bongo part which is a bit different but a similar feel. Again this is faster than we have been doing it.

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